Thursday, November 8, 2012

Glowing Blue Waves!!

You haven’t fully lived until you’ve splashed at night in bioluminescent waters. It's really like a dream.
This amazing view is related to a beach in the Vaadhoo Island, Maldives  in the South Pacific Ocean. As the waves lap the shore, the beach lights up like LasVegas. Glowing organisms stick to your feet. It is one of the most magical sights in the nature.
The blue fire in the pictures is bioluminescence — tiny phytoplankton, microbes washed ashore by the tides, turning their chemical energy into light energy. The process is ancient, natural and found around the world. If you’ve never seen it (and please let us know if you have), it’s most easily observed on nice, warm beaches after dark.
When jostled, each organism will give off a flash of blue light created by a chemical reaction within the cell.

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